Seafaring scientists won’t glimpse the sun for 150 days

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It will be a dark, black winter. 

In the heart of the central Arctic, scientists have intentionally lodged their 387-foot-long and over 12,000-ton ship, Polarstern, in a sheet of hardy floating ice, called an ice floe. Their mission, MOSAiC (short for Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate), is an unprecedented year-long endeavor to drift through the Arctic seas while investigating the harsh, largely inaccessible Arctic climate. 

The Arctic is the fastest-warming and changing region on Earth, but there’s still great uncertainty about how much the Arctic will heat up in the decades ahead, as the vast region’s climate is dictated by a complex interaction of warming seas, warming atmosphere, and vastly diminished sea ice. MOSAiC seeks to improve scientists’ grasp of this intricate Arctic world — and its future. Read more…

More about Science, Arctic, Global Warming, Climate Change, and Science

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