New moon: What lunar living will look like in 100 years

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NOTE FOR 2019 READERS: This is the eighth in a series of open letters to the next century. The series marks a little-known chronological milestone. According to UN data, life expectancy at birth in 27 countries now exceeds 81 years — so babies born in 2019 are more likely than not to be alive in 2100. What will life be like at the other end of these kids’ lives? 

Dear July 20, 2119,

From the 50th to the 150th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, greetings!

No doubt you’ll be marking this moment just as we are — by watching that hallowed, grainy footage from 1969. We can share a knowing smile at the outdated fashions and habits. (All those white men wearing ties and smoking cigarettes at mission control!) Our hearts will race all over again when NASA loses contact with the three astronauts during orbital maneuvers, or when the late, legendary Neil Armstrong avoids a disastrous crash landing by the Sea of Tranquility with only seconds left on the fuel clock. Read more…

More about Future, Moon, Apollo 11, Moon Landing, and Science

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